Innovative Biotechnology Advancing Vascular Health

Revolutionizing therapies for critical vascular diseases, targeting preeclampsia, and transforming healthcare systems worldwide.
Innovative solutions for vascular health and patient care.

Biotechnology Research

Cutting-edge research for advanced vascular therapies.

Clinical Development Programs

Transformative programs targeting preeclampsia and vascular diseases.

Patient Support Initiatives

Comprehensive support for patients impacted by vascular conditions.

Preeclampsia: A Life-Threatening Pregnancy Condition for Mother and Baby

  • Leading cause of fetal and maternal deaths

  • 8% of maternal deaths in US

  • Affects ~200,000 pregnancies in US

  • Cost $7B to US healthcare (NICU, maternal ICU)

  • High BP, proteinuria, edema, seizure, HELLP, death

  • High risks for stroke, cardiovascular diseases later in life for both mother and child

  • Supportive care, immediate delivery for severe cases


No treatment available except premature delivery

Get in Touch

Connect with us for inquiries, collaborations, or support.

200 Vesey Street 24th Floor New York, NY 10281

Join us in Advancing Vascular Health

Join Aggamin on our mission to shape the future of healthcare by developing cutting-edge therapies for vascular diseases like preeclampsia. Together, let's make a difference in patient outcomes and global healthcare systems.